Wednesday, April 19, 2006

All Sick at Once

I have discovered one of the little downsides about being a family of 1 school aged child, 1 toddler, and 1 baby. They all get sick at the same time. Stephan brings home the bug, he plays with Aidan who gets the bug really bad, and then because we take care of Aidan we almost surely pass it on to Abby.

This time it began with Aidan. The doc said it was pinkeye. It was a bad call. I was not at the doctor's appointment to argue with him because I was home with Abby. (BTW my doc had me going with no medications so he could start over with a blank slate so I was miserable.)

Aidan's bad eye, the one that never quite got over the clogged tear-duct, was getting gunky because he was getting ill. The fact that he was drooling should have sent up a red flag to the doc, but the doc was ill so he was having an off day. Anyhow, Aidan then gets the runny nose; you know where he runs about the house sliming everyone and everything. The "where is the shut off valve for this thing?" kind of toddler runny nose. How anyone is supposed to NOT catch the bug with him sliming everything I have no idea.

Sure enough Stephan starts coughing, and then I get to feeling as if I have a sore throat, and next Abby quits eating as much. so Saturday , on my mom instinct I took her in betting she was getting this chest cold as well and that she wouldn't make it through the weekend. This bug come son fast and hard. Y

Yep. RSV. The one respiratory virus you don't want you preemie to get. The fact that she has been getting monthly shots of Synergis, the RSV vaccine, is what I think helped her not get too bad. Anyhow we still had to get a chest x-ray at the hospital, and then take home a nebulizer for breathing treatments every 4 hours. Today she was seen and sounds better. She can get breathing treatments further spaced out no less than 3 a day.

So to sum up: Stephan is out of school with a nasty cough. Aidan is on steroids and antibiotics for what became croup with ear infections. Abby is on breathing treatments, and today I see my PCP to get my own breathing treatments and maybe a chest x-ray. I have a shallow cough, my throat feels swollen, and I have no voice. Let's also add in being dizzy, short of breath, and generally icky!! :P

Oh yes, Mark, my DH, who has been taking care of us all is now getting sick. I don't know who will take care of us next. We feel like our house has become the plague ship!

AND, last week when I went in for a regular check-up, we discovered I have a heart murmur! The doc did an echocardiogram and said it looks like nothing to worry about, but it's damn annoying. Like I needed anything else! But I've read that pregnancy is very hard on the heart and two pregnancies back to back might have been a bit too much. (I just say Aidan gave me my first gray hairs and Abby broke my heart. But I wouldn't trade them for the world.)

Can things get any weirder or more complicated?
Hopefully I'll be back up by next week or this weekend. At least I'm not bored. (God I'd love to be bored!!!)

Best Wishes form the plague ship
Lorna aka msmoms