Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mental Health

Recently someone took offense at my use of the term "bipolar" in reference to living with two children under the age of 2. They felt that I was making light of a serious diagnosis without any understanding of the disorder. This is not true. My eldest son, has a developmental disability. It is similar to autism, it is also similar to mild retardation. He is 10 yrs old and attends a special school. He gets special services. His diagnosis took 7 years during which we were told he was bipolar as well as ADHD, OCD, Aspergers, and possibly Fragile X. Seven years of various doctors, various medications, and various theories. Only as he got older and his diagnosis clearer were we able to finally discover exactly what made Stephan, Stephan and how to best go about parenting him.

I, myself , have been through the mental health ringer while getting my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. I was once told that I was bipolar. So I do have an understanding of how serious and also how difficult it can be. I also believe that if you cannot find humor in difficult situations that you are setting yourself up for some very dark times. The ability to laugh at myself, and the adversity in my life, has often been the only thing between me and a very dark, very deep hole.

So be assured when I use these mental health terms I am all too aware of the full meaning of them. (Heck I own a copy of the DSM for goodness sake!) But I chose to make light of the dark and that is just who I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i was once told i was bipolor too. if i am then i right like the times i feel great.( my spouse was bipolor)and ya got to laugh - it sure bets crying.. anyway i believe in laughing at myself and things life dishes out sometimes. sorry someone got upset with you about this. some folks take everything way to serious. thanks for your hummor and your willingness to share it and your self. it has sure helped me laugh while dealing and waiting for a "definative" diagnosis.